Information on all sorts of good things!
Australian biodiversity resource -
Atlas of Living Australia
An initiative to improve access to essential information on Australia's biodiversity by providing tools for
researchers and others to access, combine and map data on Australian species. The Atlas project is a partnership
between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),
the Australian natural history collections community and the Australian Government.
Australian Wildlife displays and educational activities.
Bats -
Sydney Bats website.
Bees -
Aussie Bee and the Australian Native Bee Research Centre.
Bees -
DPI - Basic Guide to Identifying Bees and Similar Species (5.17MB).
Birds in Backyards.
"Dingo" a book by local researcher Brad Purcell
Many present-day Australians see the dingo as a threat and a pest to human production systems. An alternative viewpoint,
which is more in tune with Indigenous culture, allows others to see the dingo as a means to improve human civilisation.
The dingo has thus become trapped between the status of pest animal and totemic creature. This book helps readers to recognise this dichotomy,
as a deeper understanding of dingo behaviour is now possible through new technologies which have made it easier to monitor their daily lives.
See more on "Dingo" the book and how to purchase.
Finding Animals amongst the Weeds: An Audit System for Animal-Weed Relationships - Susan Lawrie.
Donwloads follow.
Introduction to papers (9.05 KB)
Paper 1: "An audit system to account for birds and mammals utilising weed species" (496 KB)
Paper 2: as presented at the New Zealand Geographical Society Conference Series No. 21 (399 KB)
Friends of Lane Cove National Park
What's flowering when.
Frogs of Sydney - FATS.
Insects - Australian Insects website.
Insects - Bug Guide website - USA & Canada.
Insects - Entomology at Home: Guide to Identifying House and Yard Insects - USA.
Jewellry - fantastic Ruth Waterhouse designs with native fauna.
Ladybirds - CSIRO website.
Nesting Boxes Australia.
Build your own Wildlife Nest Box. A guide for Western Sydney.
Spider Facts - USA.
The Outdoor Enthusiasts Guide to Bugs.
Wildlife Nestboxes, Victoria.
Interesting projects creating crossings and connections for nature and people
Banff National Park - Canada -
Highways through habitat - The Banff Wildlife Crossings Project (Download 575.14 KB)
Associate Professor Darryl Jones has written a report on European road habitat crossings and
Safer more permeable roads.pdf (2MB).
National Parks Association of NSW - has produced a YouTube series of videos on the
Green Corridors of Southern Sydney.
Manhattan - USA -
The High Line
South Korea - Cheonggye Freeway -
Removing Freeways - Restoring Cities
Yellowstone to Yukon Conservation Initiative -
Making Connections - Naturally